#rottmnt hidden city
tangledinink · 1 year
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5K DTIYS! I cannot believe there's so many of you now!!! I am positively flattered and tickled, so I wanna give out some prizes to thank y'all! Winners will be randomly selected-- Artists and writers alike are welcome to participate and get added to the raffle pool! Further details/rules below the cut.
Not an artist? That's OK! Write something that you think could be in this magazine-- an article, an interview, a quiz, etc-- and that will count as a submission!
Deadline is Halloween, 'cause it's fun. 10/31/23. There's no deadline for participating-- that's just the deadline to be added to the raffle pool to get a Fun Prize.
I'll draw two winners ('cause Gemini, get it?) I'll draw a small comic (2-5 pages) for 'first' place, and I'll do a sketch for 'second' place! I do reserve the right to decline any requests that I'm not comfortable drawing.
Submissions don't stack. Drawing AND writing something won't get you in the raffle twice, though you're welcome to do both if you feel so inspired!
Please tag me and use #gemini5kdtiys ! Otherwise the submission may not be counted. If you tag me and it doesn't seem like I've seen it (I don't like and/or reblog it,) feel free to nudge me!
You gotta be following me to be added to the raffle pool!~
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phoebepheebsphibs · 1 year
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Lord this took me ALL FREAKING DAY pizza supreme in the sky I stole the second background from a previous work of mine so I'd get this done in time glory be
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v-albion · 1 year
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Congrats on 5k @tangledinink!!! I adore your artstyle and all your AUs (plus your writing bc it was amazing)
I’ve wanted to make a fanart about the gemini au for a while and this seems to be the perfect time for it
Also didnt mean for Donnie to be subtly flipping off the camera but i noticed far too late ¯\(ツ)/¯
Click for better quality!
Bonus without the words under the cut:
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lackablazeical · 2 months
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Working on addams! Au hidden city lore, sooo. 4/5 founders of the hidden city :)
These yokai were a gang of friends, pushed together through circumstance and time. They, along with a 5th who I will reveal when I FUCKN SETTLE ON A DESIGN, found a pocket of mystic magic so extremely potent, as it was the original home of the crying Titan. Each took a portion of land and began to draw people in, cultivate it, etc
That is, until they all mysteriously vanished, never to be seen or heard from again. Well, that's what the citizens think.
Tetsujin is the only one who is actually dead (and yes he is mayhem's ancestor), the 3 others were all physically killed, but their immortal soul was detached and placed into the council of heads, now remembering little of their lives beforehand, their only purpose to be a 'ruling authority' to the common folk
When I get it done I'll also post all the info abt the hidden city but also rn. Have this
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BTW these probs won't be FINAL info sources and worldbuilding parts so as always: once its in the masterpost, THAT is what is canon fr (cus I know there's some misspellings and such that change things so I gotta. Fix those)
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tmnt-soup · 3 months
I figured out why mayhem hates raph :(
Mayhem originally worked for the three heads, the hidden cities government, and they were on the lookout for heinous green, a known criminal who hidden city cops have mistaken raph for.
Essentially mayhem is a cop and is just as incompetent as the rest of the hidden city police force bc he racially profiled my baby boy just like the other doofuses
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s1lv3reyez · 3 months
Info about mutants/the Hidden City in my au :DD
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jadetheblueartist · 6 months
I noticed something with Splinter/ Lou Jitsu. In the episode where he, Mikey, and Beary Draxum are going through the Hidden City, Splinter is giving them a tour. This in itself kind of confused me because the only places we know he visited before his sewer days was the Battle Nexus and Draxum’s lab (correct me if I’m wrong). We see him again, newly mutated with the turtle tots on what seems to be the nyc streets (can’t find a screenshot to verify so, again, please correct me if I’m wrong). So why was Splinter giving them a tour?
Also, in the same episode, Splinter tells Mike and Beary about some places where he would eat and get his haircut in the hidden city. Um, sir? When was this going on? What was the timeline?
Was Lou just roaming the hidden city for a little bit? Am I missing important information? Is any of it related to that key thing from the first episode?
Inquiring minds want to know (it’s me, I’m inquiring minds).
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A rant about yokai architecture that slowly develops into the Magical Yokai Lifespan Theory.
The hidden city seems to be a very religious place. Well, I personally associate statues and very decorated architecture with religion... or more intense religious groups, ex: Catholicism. There seems to me lots of public places scattered throughout the hidden city that don't look like they serve much anything other than worship. Do you think Baron Draxum could be religious? I remember I read a fic that made up a lot of lore about yokai society and I accept as sort of canon. Also, for how different the hidden city looks, the people have really adapted different human cultures. We know the city itself is really fucking old but we know that some yokai age like humans. Remember that cat lady yokai that we saw in that one episode about Splinter manipulating Donnie into putting the turtle tank in a roller derby? We see at the beginning of the episode, in the flashback, that she's young but at the end of the episode, in the present, she's old. Probably as old as Splinter. And she has health issues. Meaning some yokai do age and deteriorate in health like humans. Idk what I'm getting at here. I just noticed a lot about yokai culture.
Tbh, with how modern some yokai are, I feel like there could be some metaphor for colonialism made here. So we see, Baron is probably one of the yokai that live a long time with no health issues. We also see he's very good with magic as well as science. But I'm focusing on the magic part. I think the more yokai stray from magic, the more mortal they become.
I present to you: The Magical Yokai Lifespan Theory! I feel like we view the yokai as some sort of ethereal beings capable of reaching godhood. But I think they are capable dying of outside forces but if they are in touch with their ancestorial magic connections, they can't die of old age. With the modern age of humans, yokai have found different ways to safely go up top, separating them further from their magical connections, making them get physically older. I think the council of heads are really fucking old or immortal because they are quite literally the magic that runs through the hidden city. Or are very connected to it. I believe they might be as old as, or older than the hidden city.
That's just what I think, what about you?
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toonsforkicks22 · 2 years
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The Hidden City cops made it up to Raph after mistaking him as a criminal for a third time, especially after realizing he’s a hero for stopping the Kraang.
So they make it up to him by not only giving him that ride-along he wanted, they let Raphie get in on the action as a rookie/apprentice/intern.
Although Raph is definitely cop material, he’s too much of a “soft shell” when it comes to pursuing criminals…especially when it’s one of his “buddies” from the Mud Dogs.
Audio from here:
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honestlyobsessed · 10 months
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Dang. Leo was rly checking that guy out!
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explodingstarlight · 1 year
soooooo we never got to see that much of the societal complexities or internal power structures of the Hidden City in Rise and i was thinking it would be interesting to explore (i have a LOT of headcanons).
if I were to make a comic that also explores it,,,?? 👀
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endermen-impasta · 10 months
3 Rise Head Cannons:
(( That doesn't deal with just the turtles and somewhat in depth / there's reading guys ))
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1.) The Mystic City Spacial Awareness
-- I think I did a post on this before but I would like to restart the head cannon that I made. Basically nothing had been canon about the Mystic City (( aka The Underground City )) So I would like to think of the Mystic City being about the same size as a small country, depending on where you go up to the "top side" is where you would end up. So say you entered the Mystic City in New York, you traveled around a few blocks, found an entrance to the topside again, took it to the topside, and ended up in Europe. In perspective you gotta know where your main topside door is / have a Mystic City key or you are ending up in Japan.
2.) Mystic / Ninpo Branches:
-- We know everyone has their own Mystic Powers and Ninpo, this is understandable. The only one that stands out is Mikey's... let me explain. I head cannon that Mystic / Ninpo can branch into different categories. With Mikey he used to just have super strength on the surface level, but seen inside the doomed future Mikey can also: hover / fly, stretch objects (( aka his chains )), and summon portals. Who's to say Leo, Raph, April, or even Donnie could learn different skills as well? This is where a Mystic / Ninpo Branch comes in. Kinda like a family tree but everything could be linked together. (( This is also pointed towards the head cannon that Raph can change his size after some training into bigger or smaller proportions. ))
3.) Mystic and Ninpo Inside a Blender:
-- IDK if this is cannon or not but I head cannon that the ninpo the turtles have made their mystic powers (( that were more or less given to them )) stronger. Seen from Hamato Karai ninpo can be formed from thin air, meaning ninpo is inside the host. Unlike ninpo, Mystic Powers are trained and gained from experience takes the form of a weapon and/or object. In general, ninpo and mystic powers together are a lot.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 10 months
I really love my separated au of Rise and I wanna keep y'all interested in it because I hope to be writing/posting my stories of it soon...
So in the meantime here's a drawing I did a while ago (but forgot to post here) of the dirty crime bois --
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Info about the characters in the AU <- (or tldr: Leo and Mikey grew up on the streets of the Hidden City as petty thieves and con artists)
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copwef · 5 months
A turtle called sensei(Rottmnt au)
Chapter 1
"The world needs Master Leonardo. And all we got is this guy..."
Leo remembers these words vividly. While they weren't last Casey had spoke to him, they where most important. A much needed wake up call before the hell he would have to face.
Leo remembers the image vividly. There strongest attack, the sum of all his brothers mystic power being flicked away by krang prime. However he doesn't remember much of the fall.
All he remembered was waking up on the ground, holding Casey's mask with his brothers no where in sight. Watching the technodrome completely pass through the portal.
Leo could hardly think. He definitely had a concussion and the thought that everyone he cared about could very well be dead wasn't helping.
He may have stood there for the rest of his life had Casey's mask not began to play that grim warning.
"Sensei... The plan failed... Your brothers were-" The audio briefly cut out, leaving him unaware of his family's fate. "I've been spotted. It doesn't look like we can stop the invasion after all. But as you told us, there is still hope."
Leo could almost laugh.
"How" he thought.
He couldn't comprehend how there could still be hope after he had doomed the earth in his ignorance.
"Master Leonardo mentioned to me once a place called the hidden city. He said that if his team had gotten their in time they may have been able to close the connection to new York and evacuate civilians there. He said it could've given us a advantage against krang."
Casey had stopped talking. His breathing be came frantic and Leo though he heard the sound of running footsteps.
"Listen. If you can, find Draxum, April, and splinter. And go to the hidden city. It may be our last hope..."
Casey's message ended there. No screaming, no crying, no panic. Just a desperate attempt at saving his sensei.
Looking back on it. Leo sometimes wonders if this gave Casey a form of peace. A feeling that at least he could save his sensei the second time around.
Leo's body practically acted on auto pilot after that. He quickly found his swords as portaled over to April and splinter. He didn't listen to there frantic questions about if he was alright and where his brothers where.
He opened a Portal to the hidden city and shoved them through.
He then portaled to the school where Draxum worked. There Draxum had been gathering survivors. There was were around 300 people. Men, women, children, and teens. People who may have lost their families.
Kinda like Leo did himself.
Leo quicky shut that thought down. There was no time to think about his mistake. He quickly opened another Portal to the hidden city and yelled at everyone to go inside.
The people were already freaked out and a giant sentient turtle definitely was not helping.
However Draxum was able to convince most people to go in willingly. The rest Leo practically forced into the portal. Before stepping in himself.
Now that everyone was in the hidden city, it was time for the second part of the plan.
He practically screamed at Draxum.
Draxum with both confusions and terror in his voice and expression responded.
"The council... The mystic counsel runs the hidden city. The should be in the massive structure to the east."
Leo wasted no time, portalling there instantly and barging in.
"SHUT DOWN THE CONNECTION To NEW YORK!" Leo screamed at the council.
The three members of the council were inraged, demanding who he was and why he thought he could order them around.
All Leo did was show them footage from Casey's mask of the apocalypse happening above ground. The counsel was horrified but still reluctant to listen to him.
Leo however, held up his sword's and opened a Portal. And threatened to lead krang here if they didn't
The council quickly complied and shut down the connection to new York. Leo than teleported to his remaining family. But before they could say anything, Leo's injury's and fatigue caught up with him, and he passed out.
As he felt himself falling unconscious. Leo could only pray this whole thing was a horrible nightmare.
But little did he know, this was just the beginning...
So what do you think of the first chapter of this series. I'd love to hear some feedback! Also sorry for lack of dialogue. I'm writing This as im about to go to bed. So I'll try to improve for the next chapter!
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mira--image · 3 days
Light in the Hidden City
I got something different for you guys today— a bit of world exploration!
As some of you know, I'm developing an oc-centric series called Life in the Hidden City (see my masterpost for character intros), which takes a closer look at the life of yokai. While watching the Tales of the Hidden City and Hueso-centric episodes, I tried to pay attention to the ways the Hidden City is lit. I've come to the conclusion that there are two types, natural and artificial, and both are mystical in nature.
I headcanon that, in the world of Rise, magic is a natural energy that is as common and imperceptible as air, and usually needs a conduit or catalyst to transform into something we can perceive. When an area is oversaturated with magic, the magic reaches a point of activation naturally, creating magical phenomena like natural portals, floating islands, or light. The mystical light can range from small clusters of orbs to brilliant colorful displays that brighten entire areas of the Hidden City. These phenomena release some of the magical pressure in the area, restoring the equilibrium.
(sorry in advance about the photo quality, the website i use to watch rise is reliable but subpar XD)
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Mystical plants and fungi can also have bioluminescent properties, most notably the mystic mushrooms that cover much of the Hidden City and fulfil the roles of surface forests. You can take advantage of the natural light from their gills, or crack open 'mushroom seeds' (a unique evolution of some mystic mushroom species), releasing the energy stored within as blue flame.
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I suspect that the blue flame braziers spread around the Hidden City, as well as some of Witch town's lanterns, are lit using these mushroom seeds, since it would make for an easy natural source of light.
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Finally, there's artificial light created by spells. Usually, these are golden orbs of light either floating in the desired area, secured to rope to keep them from drifting away, or placed in lanterns.
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For indoor lighting, more dispersed light of different colors is used.
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I hope you found this interesting!
Feel free to send me an ask if there's anything about the world of Rise you'd like me to analyze and explain!
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therubymongoose · 4 months
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I don't know where I first saw it, but someone had written about other hidden cities besides the one in New York (I think it was somewhere on ao3?). idk. If you know, let me know. Anyway -
I got to thinking about a Hidden City under Dallas, Texas. It's one of those things that's supposed to be a secret, just a poorly kept one —unless you're an outsider. Then it's a secret. I also imagine that humans and Yokai kind of just switch back and forth between the two cities, and like to mess around with tourists.
I drew this in somewhat of a RISE art style, so I thought I'd put it up here. Crossed posted on my Insta.
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